Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris - membuat dialog

Echa : how are you getting a long ?
Andi : same as usual
Echa : are you busy with your work?
Andi : no, i am not doing anything now
Echa : what if we go to puncak?
Andi : it's a good idea
Echa : let's go by car, ok!

Tugas Bahasa Inggris# - membuat kalimat positif > negative . introgative dari direct indirect

steatment positive>negative
(+) Itin said " I can speak Spanish "
(-)  Itin said i could speak Spainsh .

introgative dari direct indirect
*Echa said " what is your hobby?" my hobby is swimming
  Echa asked me what is my hobby

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris# Active -> Passive. Passive -> Active

NPM: 12211305

10. Shakespeare wrote that play.
   - That play was write by Shakespeare

5. The lesson is going to be explained by teacher.
   - The Teacher will explained the lesson

Tugas Bahasa Inggris#

          One day at leisure time. me and my friends get together. in the gathering, many of the topics we discussed. Among other things around on the automotive and music. But the topic is more identical to the talk about the topic of music. In this topic we discussed a lot about the genre of music and songs of the genre.

          In that conversation, metal music that is often made in conversation, because the most interesting for us is to play metal music. In playing metal music, which in priority is the soul, compactness, high skill or proficiency. And maybe just the desire and effort to bring to play the music.