Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Tugas Softskill ke-4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 # Connectors, Relative Clause, Adjective and Adverb

Connectors, Relative Clause, Adjective and Adverb

Coordinate conjunctions conjunction is used to connect two same grammatical construction, namely: words, phrases or clause. Elemen are usually connected in parallel grammatical structure. Circuited word is often used in compound sentence to connect two independent clause.

Connectors use and Sample Sentences:
1. For
    Followed by the reason for

    - He did not come last night, for he fell asleep.

2. And
    And the relationship additions.

    - The trainees laughed and cried simultaneously.
    - Meri wake up at 5:00 am, and she go to school at 6:30 am.

3. Nor
    Nor is often preceded by a negative element.

    - She did not answer my call, nor did her friends when I called           them last night.

4. But
    But to express opposition.

    - The man helped in sincerity, but many people thought                      negatively about him.

5. Or
    Or to express alternative.

    - What do you prefer to stay at home or go to the cinema on this         weekend?

6. Yet
    Yet to express disagreement and to convey "nevertheless" or           "but".

    - The book is thick, yet the text is large.

7. So
    So convey the "therefore" and follow the results.

    - She has lived in London for more than five years, so she can            speak English well.

Relative Clause
Relative clause is a dependent clause which serves to explain the noun in order to get clear information about these objects. To connect between clauses used common words like, that, which, who, Whom, and Whose.

Use of Relative Clause and Sample Sentences:
1. Who
    Used for people who serves as the subject.

    - The man who is running is my brother
    - Do you know the people who live next door?

2. Whom
     - Used for the person who serves as an object.

    - The students I met yesterday Whom are coming to my house
    - I never thought before that I would marry a woman Whom I did       not love

3. Which
    Used for objects.

    - This is the book the which I always read
    - There is a program on TV tonignt roomates you might like

4. That
    Used to people and objects

    - The policeman that I talked to will retire next year
    - This is the house that I will live in when I am old

5. Whose
    Used to indicate possession

    - The manager Whose secretary is beautiful is married
    - I saw a girl Whose hair down to her waist Came

Adjective and adverb
It is an adverb adverbs which give explanations on all other words except nouns. In general, adverbs can be formed from adjectives by adding the word "-ly" behind adjectives. However, this rule does not apply to all the adjectives.
While adjectives are words used to add meaning to the noun or noun explaining.

Adjective use and Adver Example Sentences:
1. Adjective and Adverb use often formed by adding "-ly" behind       adjective.

    - Quick (adjective): He's quick at learning new things
    - Quickly (adverb): He Learns quickly intervening

2. The use of the adverb form of the adjective that ends with the           letter "y" replace "y" with "i" and add "-ly".

    - Bad (adjective): He did not get a bad test score
    - Badly (adverb): He did not do badly in his test

3. The use of the adverb form of the adjective that ends with the           letter "-LE" replace "-LE" with "-ly".

    - Easy (adjective)    = He thinks math is easy
    - Easily (adverb)     = He can do math Easily
    - Happy (adjective) = He's a happy man
    - Happily (adverb)  = He works happily every day

4. Use some common adverb with an adjective.
    - He runs fast (adverb)
    - He's a fast runner (adjective)
    - He studies hard (adverb)
    - It's a hard life (adjective)

5. Adverb use for the "good" is "well".

   - She's a good pianist
   - She plays the piano well

6. The use of adverb can also change the adjective and adverb             other.

    - That's a good book
    - That's a very good book
    - She's a talented girl
    - She's an incredibly talented girl
    - You're right!
    - You're absolutely right!

Sumber :

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 # Causative Verb

Causative Verb

Definition of Causative Verb

Causative verb is a verb that is used to indicate that the subject is not directly responsible for the actions that occurred but someone or something else that is doing the action. Causative verb phrase is divided into two kinds, namely active and passive causative. In the active sentence causative verb, agent (which do action) is known. Conversely, the causative verb passive sentence, the agent usually is not mentioned.

Functions and Formulas Active and Passive Causative

Let, make, have, and get a causative verb commonly used. Functions and formulas let, make, have, and get the following :

Function          : Let someone do something
Active             : S + Let + Object + Bare Infinitive (Verb1)
Passive            : S + Let + Object + be + Past Participle (Verb3)

Function          :  Force or a very convincing someone to do something
Active             : S + (make-made) + Object + Bare Infinitive (Verb1)
Passive            : S + Make + Object + Past Participle (Verb3)

Function          : Want someone to do something for the subject
Active             : S + (have-had) + Object + Bare Infinitive (Verb1)
Passive            : S + (have-had) + Object + Past Participle (Verb3)

Function          :  Have similar but with different sentence structure
Active             : S + (get-got) + Object + To Infinitive ( To + Bare Infinitive)
Passive            : S+ Got + Object + Past Participle (Verb3)

Examples Of Causative Active

1. I get Toha to take the ball.
2. I let Fuad  take the ball.
3. I make my father do my homework.
4. I had my father operate my laptop.
5. I have him clean my shoes
6. They get me to wash the clothes.
7. You must haveSusie study hard.
8. He is getting dentist to check his teeth.
9. The teacher lets the students cheat.
10. They make us help them every morning.

Examples Of Causative Passive

1. The government got the bridge built quickly.
2. We must have the floor cleaned as soon as possible.
3. I had my laptop fixed.
4. My mother has the car washed every morning.
5. Budi wants to get his toy taken.
6. We get the meeting provided earlier.
7. You make us satisfied.
8. Mary let them tell me what we want to do.      
9. Smith gets the computer repaired.
10. Her parents let me get lecture in Canada.

Source by:


Jumat, 08 Mei 2015


Being Global Leader In Islamic Finance

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Pada blog ini saya akan melakukan review mengenai kuliah umum yang saya ikuti pada hari senin tanggal 4 Mei 2015, bertempat di kampus Universitas Gunadarma Depok. Acara ini diselenggarakan oleh SEF (Syariah Economic Forum) Gunadama. Pada acar kuliah tersebut yang menjadi pembicara mengenai Being Global Leader In Islamic Finance adalah Bapak Ronald Ruliando, Ph.d. beliau merupaan Head Of Islamic and Risk Management Reaserch at Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Berikut akan saya paparkan hasil review pada saat acara kuliah umum tersebut:

Siapa prominent scholar and global leader in Islamic Finance ?
Akademisi : Faqih Ustman dan  Dr.Dort Maka

Praktisi dan Regulator : Islah Abdul Gani (CIMB Syariah), Dr.Zefi Antaraziz (Gubernur Bank of Malaysia) dan  Rivan Ahmad Abdul Karim

Pengusaha :  Sulaiman Al-Razi (pendiri Al-Razi Bank) dan Galah Al Barakah.

Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menjadi Global Leader in Islamic Finance ? Luruskan niat, Perluas wawasan, Memperbanyak ilmu dan Bangun visi yang jelas

Ekonomi syariah? Mungkin sebagian besar bagi masyarakat kita persepsi mengenai ekonomi syariah hanya merupakan ekonomi yang mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip Islam,  padahal ekonomi syariah bersifat universal, dimana bisa dikatakan ekonomi syariah merupakan salah satu alternative dalam memecahkan masalah perekonomian di Negara ini, dalam contoh pada krisis ekonomi tahun 1998 (Bank Syariah tidak mengalami Negative Spread). Bisa di katakan juga, bahwa ekonomi syariah merupakan alat dalam pemeretaan ekonomi (dalam memperbaiki perekonomian suatu Negara).

Mungkin kita menyadari bahwa di Negara ini bisa di katakan bahwa orang kaya semakin kaya dan orang miskin semakin terpuruk (sistem kapitalis). artinya, bahwa system kapitalis belum memberikan solusi terbaik bagi suatu Negara. karena dengan system  mekanisme  pasar  yang bebas menyebabkaan tidak meratanya distribusi kekayaan disuatu Negara. Lain halnya apabila system sosialis diterapkan di Negara ini, system ini lebih berpihak pada kaum lemah, karena setiap individu memiliki kesamaan kesempetan dalam melakuka aktivitas ekonomi, karena tip warga Negara dipenuhi kebutuhan ekonominya, sehingga tidak ada pengangguran masyrakat.  Namun dalam system ini tidak dikenal istilah kepemilikan, karena terjadinya kedzaliman karena adanya kepemilikan (pribadi). Artinya, seseorang tidak boleh memiliki sesuatu secara pribadi, melaikan semua pengaturnya adalah pemerintah, karena semua akan mendapat penghasilan yang sama baik yang bekerja lebih maupun yang biasa-biasa saja. (ekonomi syariah sesuai dengan sila ke-5 Pancasila. Yaitu, keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia). Sebagai dasar Negara yaitu Pancasila, apakah sila ke-5 Pancasila sudah mendasari kita sebagai warga Negara ini yang kita tidak sadari bahwa masih ada sistem kapitalis?

Selanjutnya, Dalam ekonomi syariah tidak diperbolehkan adanya sistem riba, karena dalam ekonomi syariah riba di haramkan. Riba adalah bunga yang diberikan saat kita menabung atau berinvestasi tanpa akad dan kesepakatan kedua pihak. Jika anda diberi pilihan, memilih riba atau memakan daging babi?, sebaiknya anda pilih memakan daging babi, karena dalam ajaran Islam. Apabila dalam suatu keadaan darurat/ tertentu kita sedang merasa kelaparan dan tidak ada makanan lain selain daging babi, maka kita berhak memakan daging tersebut (keadaan darurat). Lain halnya dengan riba, perlu diketahui tingkatan riba yang paling ringan itu adalah menjinahi ibu kandung sendiri. Mengapa riba di haramkan? Karena riba menimbulkan kemalasan, adanya rasa ketidak adilan dan merusak perekonomian.

Perkembangan ekonomi syariah didunia mulai muncul dan berkembang pada tahun 1960-an di Mesir pada awal perkebangannya ini berdirilah insitusi syariah yang bergerak dibidang keuangan bukan bank, namun karena polemik keadaan politik dan sosial di mesir lembaga syariah belum bisa menunjukan eksistensinya di dunia ekonomi sekitar tahun 1970-an barulah berdiri sebuah lembaga perbankan syariah di Mesir hal ini menunjukan walaupun tidak secara langsung dikenal lembaga keuangan syariah tetap memiliki progres dalam mengikuti perkembangan masyarakat.

Setelah Mesir Sistem syariah mulai berkembang masuk ke Dubai, kemudian memasuki Asia dengan tujuan negara berbasis syariah islam yaitu Malaysia dan kemudian barulah pada tahun 1999-an mulai masuk ke Indonesia yang ditandai dengan hadirnya bank Muamalat sebagai Bank Retail pertama di Asia yang berbasis syariah sekaligus pelopor bank syariah pertama di Indonesia. Walaupun awalnya menjadi market leader dalam perbankan syariah ternyata market share bank Muamalat bisa di rebut oleh Mandiri Syariah yang kalah start sebagai pelopor namun  market share Mandiri saat ini menjadi nomor 1 dibidang Bank Retail Perbankan Indonesia.

Perkembangan bank syariah di dunia ternyata berbeda-benda tergantung dengan wilayah, karakter serta kebutuhan dari masyarakat, seperti halnya yang berkembang di Indonesia perkembangan sistem keuangan syariah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakter dari rakyat yang  memiliki kesenjangan sosial maka berkembanglah bank ritel dengan konsep syariah sedangkan untuk di timur tengah seperti Mesir dan Dubai lebih berkembang institusi keuangan investasi syariah, pasar modal syariah dan sebagainya karena di Mesir, Dubai memiliki karakteristik masyarakat yang memiliki kelebihan banyak modal sehingga institusi keuangan syariah yang berkembang disana pun berbeda dengan Indonesia.

Ada yang mengatakan ekonomi syariah sama dengan ekonomi konvensional namun jika kita tela’ah lebih dalam perbedaan antara ekonomi konvensional dengan syariah adalah proses serta aturan yang sudah jelas tertulis dalam al-qur’an dan fiqih menunjukan perbedaan yang tidak kasat mata antar produk sejenis dalam ekonomi syariah dengan ekonomi konvensional. Namun karena prinsip syariah disesuaikan dengan gaya hidup yang liberal maka banyak yang beranggapan bahwa ekonomi syariah sama saja dengan ekonomi konvensional pada umumnya padahal kembali lagi jika kita melihat bagaimana aturan serta proses yang syar’i kita akan melihat perbedaan.

Penerapan syariah saat ini memang belum seutuhnya berjalan baik, namun dari mulai perkembangannya inilah usaha terbaik yang dilakukan oleh para ahli walaupun masih banyak yang harus diperhatikan dalam penerapannya seperti teknik, sistem serta spiritual sehingga tercapailah keadilan ekonomi masyarakat, perhatian terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat, dan bebas dari riba.
Jadi untuk memulai pemulihan ekonomi tentunya bisa dimulai hari ini dengan membantu bank dan lembaga keuangan syariah untuk berkembang menjadi lebih baik lagi.

Demikian hasil review kuliah umum mengenai Ekonomi Syariah, semoga bermanfaat. mohon maaf apabila ada kata yang tidak berkenan.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Sumber :

Kamis, 23 April 2015

Tugas ke-2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 # Adverb vs Adjective

Adverb vs Adjective

A.    Definition of Adverb
Adverb is a word that gives a description of the place, time and manner of an activity or event that occurred.
Example : here, now, softly, loudly, tomorrow, again, twice, never, etc.
Adverb is also defined as a word that describes a verb, adjective, preposition and other word except noun and pronoun. And there are various forms of adverb which are categorized by function or use.

Types of Adverb

a.      Adverb of Time
Is an adverb that states the time of a job, actions or events. Example afterwards , already, before, frequently, now, today, soon , immediately, lately , yesterday, etc.
Example :
·         I’am stydying english Now.
(To help show Adverb of Time, we can ask questions with words “when”)

b.      Adverb of Place
An adverb which shows the scene of an act, action or event. Example above, back, below, around , here, somewhere, everywhere,  there, etc..
Example :
·         She studies English here.
(To help show Adverb of Place, we can ask question with words “where”)

c.       Adverb of Manner
Is an adverb that expresses how a job is done or an event that happened. Example carefully, fluently, hard, fast, slowly, suddenly, together, etc.
Example :
·         They worked hard.
(To help show Adverb of Manner, we can ask question with words “how”)

d.      Adverb of Degree
Is an adverb that expresses the extent to which (level or degree) of a situation or incident. Typically explain or modify adjective atau adverb. Example almost, enough, fairly, rather,  nearly,  very, too, only, quite, etc.
Example :
·         She is very pretty girl.
·         I quite understand.

e.       Adverb of Frequency
An adverb which states the amount or how much of a job, actions or events do.

1.      Adverb of Quantity
Usually to determine adverb of quantity we can ask question with words “how often”. Example : always, usually, never, ever, sometimes, seldom, generally, etc.
Example :
·         Andi always drinks milk every night.

2.      Adverb of Number
Usually to determine the adverb of number we ask questions with words “how many times”. Example once, twice, thrice, half, twofold, etc.
Example :
·         He eats twice every day.

f.       Adverb of Affirmation
An affirmation stating words, suppression or affirmative answers. Example certainly, naturally, surely, of course, absolutely, etc.
Example :
·         Of course she can speak English.
(Another term for adverb of affirmation is adverb of certainty)

g.      Interrogative Adverb
Is an adverb that helped shape the questions. Each adverb this type associated with other adverb.
Example :
·         How did he go?
(How is interrogative adverb of manner)
·         Where did he go?
(Where is interrogative adverb of place)

h.      Relative Adverb
Is an adverb that serves as a connector of two clauses in a sentence. The words were the same as the interrogative adverb, the difference is only in the layout position, namely relative adverb is usually placed in the middle of a sentence (between the two clauses), while interrogative adverb at the beginning of the sentence.
Example :
·         I asked him how he went.
(How is relative adverb of manner)
·         I asked him where he went.
(Where is relative adverb of place)

B.     Definition of Adjective
Adjective is a word that is part of the part of speech that serves to explain the noun including Pronoun. Adjective usually precedes the noun or pronoun that given the nature or it can also stand on its own if it becomes the object of a sentence nomimal.
·         My sister is not only beautiful but also tall.
·         Tonight is very quiet and dark.
·         I met a big gorilla in the zoo yesterday.
·         I have some girl friends, but you are the best.
·         The man who is standing on the bridge is a terrorist.

Jenis Adjective
1.      Original Adjective
Meaning the adjective in this sense is not made up of elements of any words, but indeed he was created to be an adjective.
Example : Don’t step on the floor, it still wet.
2.      Past Participle
Past participle or what we are familiar with V3 as: confused, broken and also be an adjective.
Example : Please help me to fix my broken car.
3.      Article
Some experts grammar there is also considered that the article also includes the adjective. Which includes article is “a”, “an”, dan “the”.
4.      Possessive Adjective
Possessive can be interpreted with "belong to". And is meant here is the possessive pronoun consisting of “my, your, his, her, its, their”. Although actually possessive pronoun does not describe or explain a noun, but by experts grammar included in the category of adjective.
5.      Demonstrative Adjective
What is meant by demonstrative adjective is a word like “these, this, that”.
Example : When the librarian tripped over that cord, she dropped a pile of books.
6.      Interrogative Adjective
Because interrogative, then of course use question words like “what dan which”.
Example : Which plants should be watered twice a week?

C.    Difference of Adjectives and Averbs
Adjective give information about the noun.
Example :
·         She’s an excellent dancer.
·         I’ve got a new apartment.
Adverb (adverb) change verb, adverb that describes how something is done.
Example :
·         She learns quickly.
·         You can speak English well.

1.      Adjective
a)      Adjective can be placed before the noun.
Example :
·         This is a beautiful bird. (true)
·         This is a bird beautiful. (false)
The adjective provides information such as the size (small, large), shape (round, square), color (yellow, green), nationality (China, Poland), and opinions (good, bad).
b)      Adjective do not change depending on the number (singular or plural).
Example :
·         She has a cute puppy.
·         She has three cute puppies.
Note that the adjective (cute) no change either in the singular (puppy) and plural (puppies)
c)      Adjective also be placed after certain verbs like be, feel, look, and taste.
Example :
·         I’m really happy today.
·         She’s got a new job so she feels great.
·         You look wonderful!
·         This chicken tastes delicious.

2.      Adverb
a)      Adverb often formed by adding -ly behind adjective.
Example :
·         quick (adjective) - He’s quick at learning new things.
·         quickly (adverb) - He learns quickly.
·         bad (adjective) - He didn’t get a bad test score.
·         badly (adverb) - He didn’t do badly in his test.

b)      For the adverb is formed from the adjective that ends with the letter "y" replace "y" with "i" and add "-ly".
Example :
·         easy (adjective) - He thinks math is easy.
·         easily (adverb) - He can do math easily.
·         happy (adjective) - He’s a happy man.
·         happily (adverb) - He works happily every day.

c)      For the adverb is formed from the adjective that ends with the letter "-LE" replace "-LE" with "-ly".
Example :
·         simple (adjective) - The teacher makes difficult things simple.
·         simply (adverb) - He teaches simply and clearly.

d)     Some of the same with the adjective adverb.
Example :
·         He runs fast (adverb) - He’s a fast runner. (adjective)
·         He studies hard. (adverb) - It’s a hard life. (adjective)

e)      Adverb can also change the adverb-adjective and adverb more.
Example :
·         That’s a good book.
·         That’s a very good book.
·         She’s a talented girl.
·         She’s an incredibly talented girl.
·         You’re right!
·         You’re absolutely right!

By References :